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Year 6

Spring Term 2


This term, the children will use Boy in the Tower by Polly Ho-Yen as inspiration to create a news broadcast about a key event in the story. They will also write a narrative to continue a part of the story, developing their ability to maintain the author's style. Additionally, Floodland by Marcus Sedgwick will be used to refine their narrative skills, focusing on describing characters and settings, as well as writing a monologue to explore a character’s thoughts and emotions.



This term, the children will be exploring a range of texts, revisiting the key reading skills they have developed throughout the year. They will apply their knowledge of inference, summarising, retrieval, vocabulary, and explanation to answer SATs-style questions with increasing confidence. The focus will be on developing exam techniques, including how to interpret different question types, locate key information efficiently, and provide well-structured responses.



The children will continue to develop their understanding of fractions before moving on to percentages. They will learn how to calculate percentages of amounts and recognise the relationships between fractions, decimals, and percentages. By the end of the unit, they will confidently convert between these three forms and apply their knowledge to solve real-life problems.



This term, children will explore the topic of light. They will investigate how light travels in straight lines and how this knowledge explains why objects cast shadows. Through practical experiments, they will discover how the size and shape of shadows change depending on the position of the light source.



The focus for this term will be a study of Baghdad, examining its historical significance and the impact the city had on the world. The children will explore its role as a centre of learning, culture, and trade, making connections between past innovations and their influence on modern society.



In geography, the children will continue their study of North America, this time focusing on human settlements and land use. Using DigiMaps, they will explore how geography influences where people live and how land is used for agriculture, industry, and urban development.



This term, the children will focus on Jesus' resurrection. They will explore different interpretations of the event, discussing its significance to Christians and how beliefs about the resurrection shape religious practices and traditions.



In PE, the children will develop their knowledge and skills in handball, focusing on teamwork, coordination, and tactical play. In Real PE, they will work on their creative skills, learning how to adapt movements and sequences in response to different challenges.



The overarching goal in PSHE this term is for children to understand their rights, responsibilities, and duties at home, at school, in the community, and online—particularly when using social media. They will explore the impact of their actions on others and how to make responsible choices in different contexts.



This term, the children will focus on programming and variables as they design and create their own games using Scratch. They will learn how to use variables to store information and make their games more interactive and dynamic.



The children will continue working with the song Calypso, using it as inspiration to create their own rhythmic and melodic compositions. They will refine their pieces through performance and peer feedback.



In design and technology, the children will apply their knowledge of circuits and mechanics to create a model fairground ride. They will design, build, and control their ride electronically using switches.



This term, the children will continue to develop their painting skills within the context of narrative art. They will explore how different artworks can be interpreted based on their context and be inspired by the Pre-Raphaelite painters to create their own artwork that tells a story.



In Spanish, the children will learn vocabulary related to different modes of transport and how to use these words in conversation. They will also revisit the use of los, las, la, and el to build their grammatical understanding.