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Assembly Programme

Our assembly programme has been designed to support children to acquire our values and to promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Assemblies provide opportunities for contemplation and provide a framework for positive citizenship.


Values Assembly: 

Our values assembly, led by the Headteacher at the start of our school week, is used to focus on our CLEAR values and how these can be applied in school and in the wider world. Global awareness themes will be covered through these assemblies linking back to our school values to ensure they are meaningful to our pupils. 


Teacher Assemblies: 

Our teachers' assemblies are themed and link to our PSHE and relationships education. They also make clear how our assemblies are linked to British values, Christian values, personal responsibility, respect and acceptance.    


Singing Assembly: 

Our passionate music leaders lead singing assemblies across both schools and this is an opportunity for all children to come together and enjoy musical expression. It is also an opportunity for our talented musicians to share their talents with their peers.


Friday – Achievement assembly: 

This is an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of children inside and outside of school as well as awarding children our learner of the week (linked to values).  We award house points and best attendance and this assembly is designed to bring our community together.  


Reading Assembly: 

Each week, our infant teachers read aloud to children and parents and carers join in the fun. This promotes a love of reading and encourages everyone in our community to enjoy a book together. 

Foxhills Federation Assembly Overview 2024-2025:


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

PSHRE Concept:
Living in the wider world
PSHRE Concept:
Health and Well-being
PSHRE Concept:
Dreams and Goals
PSHRE Concept:
PSHRE /Safeguarding
  Keeping myself well Proud to be me Children’s mental
Keeping safe on-line Permission and
School rules

(Remembrance Day 11th November)

2 minutes silence

Setting Goals Love My pants are private! Teamwork
School values Keeping my mind well Teamwork Caring and Kindness-
Feeling safe Choices
British values Looking after the
Persevering Friendships and
Keeping safe It’s OK to be different!
Christian values Advent Challenge Comfortable and
Road Safety Meeting new people
Differences and respect The meaning of
Christmas to Christians
Achievement Peer Pressure and
Water Safety Bullying
Personal responsibility Christmas
Celebrations: Cultures and traditions around the world